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Migraine nasal spray from Pfizer snags FDA approval for expected summer VIEW MORE : https://bit.ly/1breakingnews...
Pfizer Seeks FDA Authorization , To Use COVID Vaccine for Children Ages 5 to 11.Pfizer and BioNTech announced they were seeking approval from the U.S. Food and ...
Pfizer Seeks FDA Approval For Booster Dose | Move To Improve Tax Efficacy | NewsXTo Subscribe our YouTube channel "NewsX" click on the link below:-https://www.y...
Full approval would allow Pfizer to market the drug to consumers and let it remain on the market when officials declare the Covid emergency over.VIEW MORE : htt...
The country's vaccine stocks are getting a boost with the arrival of over 2 million AstraZeneca vaccines — the largest vaccine donation so far from the COVAX ...